A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife How Toxic DaughtersinLaw Destroy Families eBook Anne Kathryn Killinger
Download As PDF : A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife How Toxic DaughtersinLaw Destroy Families eBook Anne Kathryn Killinger
I know this is a curious title, and people who have never experienced the rejection of a son at his wife's behest won't understand it. But those who have been through this experience--whose sons have married and turned against them as if they were dirt after all the years of love and care the parents gave them-will rejoice at finding this book and knowing they aren't alone. Actually, the desertion of parents by married sons is not uncommon. Would that it were! Almost every psychologist or counselor with whom I have talked knows of several instances in which it has happened. They speak of the great sorrow and agitation of the parents, mother and father alike, who can't understand why a child has turned against them. ANNE KATHRYN KILLINGER has been a concert pianist, a college professor, a Parisian model, and the wife of a widely known clergyman. She has lived in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Nashville, Birmingham, Paris, and Oxford, and now resides near Washington, DC. She is also the author of An Inner Journey to Christmas and An Inner Journey to Easter, as well as the novels, Pendleton Farm and Rachel Remembers.
A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife How Toxic DaughtersinLaw Destroy Families eBook Anne Kathryn Killinger
I really, really wanted to like this book. I had read all of the reviews, both good and bad, and decided to purchase and read this book with an open mind. I figured even if I didn't see eye to eye with the author I could read the book and glean some insight into my family's dysfunction from her studies on the subject. WRONG! This book is awful. It's cringe inducing. The author speaks (rambles really) in absolutes, it's all black or white. Speaking of her daughter-in-law, "she's totally irrational about everything". Speaking of Borderline Personality Disorder, "many are homosexual", and "many are also alcoholics and drug addicts". Really?? She also places a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. She described her son as "having the rippled muscles of a beach Adonis" (ick factor) and described an overweight bride looking "like a white marshmallow stuffed into a wedding dress".Nothing in this book is her fault, and there is zero introspection. The author clearly fabricates conversations to tell her story.
The author also has zero credentials to be counseling others, and her narcissistic ramblings could cause way more harm than good. Sadly the author espouses her holier-than-thou Christian beliefs throughout this book although most of her vindictive conceited ramblings are grossly un-Christlike.
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Tags : Buy A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife: How Toxic Daughters-in-Law Destroy Families: Read 84 Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon.com,ebook,Anne Kathryn Killinger,A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife: How Toxic Daughters-in-Law Destroy Families,The Intermundia Press, LLC,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Family Relationships
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A Son Is a Son Till He Gets a Wife How Toxic DaughtersinLaw Destroy Families eBook Anne Kathryn Killinger Reviews
One of the few books on the subject and a true wake up call although very definite @ how this situation has no remedy 😢
Appreciated the author's insight on family relationships with their sons.... and daughter-in-law.
So much of this book hit home for me, it was so comforting to know I’m not alone. So grateful to the author for sharing her story.
Realizing that we are NOT alone...by a long shot, helps. Also, a must read, even for parents of the engaged. It could very well even save you an great deal of suffering. Very insightful by two very thoughtful, well educated parents.
I brought this book to read while I was on a vacation where I was supposed to be traveling with my son and his family and his in laws whom I happen to really care for. My daughter in law has the borderline personality disorder and at the last minute had my son call me and ask me not to come. It was a trip for my granddaughters first birthday 😔. I had the airline paid for so I went alone and stayed with friends. It is a quick read, I had already been in counseling for this and knew I may have done some things But not to the extent that would cause a separation like this. The book helped me see others who had it even worse than I did and what they were doing to cope with their loss. In a way, it helps to know you are not alone.
It wrote about other peoples experiences and it was word for word what happened to our family. It helped us understand that we are not alone and it is not really fixable.
I have never in my life, read such garbage. This author is self righteous, doesn't believe she can do anything wrong, is unwilling to realize that relationships take compromise and that when her son marries, he has to share his family time between all sets of in laws, not just his own parents. Terrible. Terrible. This is not "self help" this is spiraling for the selfish.
I really, really wanted to like this book. I had read all of the reviews, both good and bad, and decided to purchase and read this book with an open mind. I figured even if I didn't see eye to eye with the author I could read the book and glean some insight into my family's dysfunction from her studies on the subject. WRONG! This book is awful. It's cringe inducing. The author speaks (rambles really) in absolutes, it's all black or white. Speaking of her daughter-in-law, "she's totally irrational about everything". Speaking of Borderline Personality Disorder, "many are homosexual", and "many are also alcoholics and drug addicts". Really?? She also places a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. She described her son as "having the rippled muscles of a beach Adonis" (ick factor) and described an overweight bride looking "like a white marshmallow stuffed into a wedding dress".
Nothing in this book is her fault, and there is zero introspection. The author clearly fabricates conversations to tell her story.
The author also has zero credentials to be counseling others, and her narcissistic ramblings could cause way more harm than good. Sadly the author espouses her holier-than-thou Christian beliefs throughout this book although most of her vindictive conceited ramblings are grossly un-Christlike.
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